Friday, March 25, 2011

Hmm... well let's see here.... what to say what to say... I have no clue, maybe just the fact that the sky is blue... no that won't do, 'cause the is not something new! Now I feel like the Cheshire cat from Alice In Wonderland... speaking of which, did you know that the movie/story/book was based after an acid trip... well that's what I believe. People have different perspectives... I don't think someone could SANELY come up with something like that... THE CATERPILLAR SMOKES OUT OF A DAMN HUKA! 


Y'know people... I hate liars... mainly people who run their faces about fights they've been in and I KNOW when someone is lying about a fight, the trick is if they tell you the story and the story only involves THEM kicking someone's else ass instead of also saying what happened to them. But the ONE thing I hate more... than ANYTHING when it comes to lying... and that folks is people who try to say they ARE or ONCE WERE... Emo....

Such as my little sister just did... she said she was Emo back in 7th grade... no... I am Emo... she is not, never was, and never will be, she claims she cut herself but she's too much of a prissy bitch to do it, she's had a good life, yeah her dad left but at least he didn't stay in her life and promise her this and that and get disappointed when nothing showed up, like my mother did to me... I'll admit, her life wasn't perfect, but atleast she had only ONE step-father, sorry little sis... but I've had to bounce at 3 step-moms! SO STOP TRYING TO ACT LIKE YOUR LIFE SUCKS AND STIFFEN THAT UPPER LIP! DO YOU SEE ME CRYING ABOUT MY MOM LEAVING? DO YOU SEE ME SAYING "I'm Emo!" FOR ATTENTION? NO!

Ok... sorry about that people, I'm back... that was a little rage outburst, but it just REALLY pisses me off when people do shit like acting Emo or other shit like that... it just makes me wanna KILL SOMEONE! IT PISSES ME OFF TO NO END!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I dont know

Well... today has been pretty normal... Zach was being a dumb-ass in English, the teacher asked him to put his phone away and it got to the point where I, SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT! SAID "JUST PUT THE PHONE IN YOUR DAMN POCKET!"

Then before that, in 3rd period... we were in art and everything was fine until the belt in the radiator was making this loud scrapping/screeching noise... and it was SO damn annoying it made me wanna kick a small defenseless animal! XP

Anyway... to the point of it... today has been an annoying one... my friend got kicked out of bio too... just because she refused to do the work.... but the funny thing is... Zach seemed to be in every class of mine that there was a problem in... hmmm.... coincidental? Who the fuck knows..... 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I don't know, you tell me...

Well... I truly don't know what to really type about now... I had an idea like 2 seconds before I started... then I forgot... god damn.........

Anyway, me and Kassie have been talking about the most random shit in the past 5 minutes. Killing someone, dreams, music, drugs, being insane... yeah.... that's life for ya!

Hmmm... well today has gone by mildly quick... since I'm wearing purple PJ pants I got the awkwardest looks... someone called me a fag, thought I am straight, purple is just the shit! PLUS IT'S JACK-MOTHER-FUCKING-SKELINGTON!

PJ Incident

Well... today I woke up at 6am and took a shower and got ready for school and everything was normal.... 'til I got to school... see I let my lesbian friend wear my red and black PJ pants because she was kinda tired of wearing the same thing everyday to school... so I decided to bring her mine to surprise her because she had said she really loved them when she 1st saw them. And being the friend she is... she offered me to wear hers.... At 1st I was like "No" but after a few minutes I was like "F*** it!" and now as I type this, I'm wearing white and purple Jack Skelington PJ's! :D

Either way the funniest thing I find about the situation is that she's a lesbian, I'm straight, I have a girlfriend and she has a girlfriend too... we're gonna tell them that she got into my pants and I got into her pants! ROFL

Well that was just a news update, PEACE y'all!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Life

Well... my life... god this topic gets me more stuck than a 'coon in a tree with a bloodhound running in circles around the tree and me with a 12 gauge... oh yes... THAT bad!

Well I was born in Bath, ME. For the 1st 3 years of my life I lived there, so no more than a few blurs of a partial memory. Things were fine... I had my older brother, David and my older sister, Sherrie... yeah, I was the youngest, but I don't really mind... either way it's fine now, I have a 7 year old little sister...

See people... my mother left when I was 3 years old... hence why I had said the 1st 3 years of my life is basically a big BLUR! Her excuse was that she wasn't ready and some other crap like that... but she was really saying "I don't wanna have to take care of kids. I still want to go out and party, get drunk, smoke dope, and bring home loose men" SORRY MOM, BUT I'M NOT A MORON! 

Either way.... she left and took my older sister wit her, but even at that time, Sherrie was 10, possibly 11... she took her with her, but hell! I was too young to understand at the time, so it was whatever for me. Well her leaving did have an impact for my life... 'cause it did. I'm a more short tempered, smart-mouthed, violent person I am today, which is how I got the nickname, "Violent K" I'll give you that story... me and my friend Ashley were hanging out and listening to ICP (Insane Clown Posse) and SHE had her own nickname and for a week or so she called me "Violent J" as much as I loved being compared to him, I thought I was stealing his idea for the name so I used the 1st letter in my name and THAT is how I got that name (well you guys just got the short version) ANYWAY! ... my father wasn't abusive and I had only like 2 step-moms which the 2nd one is still around and mother to my 7 year old sister. Life's just has always been a challenge... I have no problems with friends or school... just... friends with 'rents who are still together and making a lot of money to be spoiled with... but me... if I want it... I have to work for it myself, aside from food/water/clothing/roof over head type stuff, I just mean like extra things I want, like band posters, tripp pants, band shirts, stuff like that... let me tell you, 7 days a week, after school from 2:30pm-9:00pm on weekdays and 10:30am-6:00pm on weekends isn't fun... but it's money so I'm not complaining, I get what I want from my own money so yeah!

Well... my childhood my mother promised me a bunch of stuff and money, but I didn't see jack SQUAT! Big shocker -_-
And my teenage-hood has been pretty normal... a few girlfriends here and there, a party here and there, the funny pictures me and my friends have... ahhh.... well school's over... Violent K OUT!

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Weekend

Well my weekend was pretty awesome, went up to my girlfriends on Friday and stayed there 'til Sunday. Very interesting... not much happened on Friday... mainly sat around and made-out... cooked a meal, hung outside.

THEN! I met Zach and Guy...legit his name's guy! ANYWAY! We had just met and we were talking like we had known each other for YEARS! They don't want me to say it out loud, but they like me better than Dylan, someone they've known all school year! I feel accomplished.....

I walked Guy and Zach back to Zach's house when I wasn't supposed to (shocker -_-). I gave them some "paraphernalia" and when I got back to Caity's house, she yelled at me for getting back RIGHT when Ma did... yet she didn't even notice, so it's like "LEAVE ME ALONE! She doesn't know! GOD!" but yeah.... The next morning Zach called Caity and had her wake me up because he wanted him, Guy, Caity, and Nick, a.k.a Jesus to hang out, which we all did... oh yeah, Angelica came too (Caity's friend). 

OMG! That reminds me, Caity's nephew (Joshua) came over and he loved me, he mimicked me ALL day, he even cried when Zach, Guy, Nick, and I went for a smoke break. Me, Zach, and Guy were talking about being father's when Josh feel asleep on the way back from the park on Zach's shoulder, then all 3 of us took turns carrying him... we said we needed to stay life long friends and bring our kids back to the same park someday, it was a LEGIT oath! And Guy saw that I like ICP and he said that him and Zach were trying to start a gang, and then let me join too... they named it "Triad" (even though that's already one). Get it... us 3... TRIad! Meaning 3, haha.... it's all good though

Later that day I met like 5 other of Caity's friends, so I met like 8 or 10 in this whole weekend. My best though were Nick, Guy, and Zach... but if worst came to worst...I'd have to say Guy... I think it's 'cause he reminds me A lot of my Uncle Mike, but it's all good, having a friend that's like family is always a good thing. For like, when you don't got the real thing.

BRE JUST HUGGED ME! YAY! I HAVEN'T GOTTEN A HUG FROM HER SINCE LIKE............. Thursday? Maybe Wednesday... I don't know..... Kassie's all back! YAY! I gots a hug from hers too!

Well... I'mma go now people! Violent K out!
and remember folks... KEEP IT CRAZY!  


Friday, March 18, 2011


Well.... let's see... this is my first blog and I was stuck on a subject... so I decided to...WOW!  Damien just hugged me D: I need Bre to give me a hug... I'm scared.... HELP ME! D: He's watching me type this..... he's... well... Damien of course... but still -_- Zach is random spinning in a chair next to me. Well random kids are scaring Zach... GOOD JOB GUYS! :D

Well I think Melissa hates me... let me ask... ... ... she doesn't hate me but she doesn't particularly like me either... oh well... :(

Bre likes me though, I gets hugs most everyday! :D Well not LIKE like, but friends, good enough...

God I can't wait to see my girlfriend later

Melissa asked why I started a blog... truth kinda is I felt left out... and it seemed fun and interesting... and it is... kinda funny too... well I must use the bathroom... Violent K, back in a few

(moments later)

Now Melissa are talking about riding moto cross bikes off a cliff and people dieing... something is wrong with her...

Mr.Mitchell just said I was being obnoxious when I slapped Zach's leg... then he slaps me in the face.... whatever... teachers piss me off so why do I care? Oh, that's right, I don't! Some teachers are cool, like Mr.Russell, he let's us get away with a lot... well, school's almost over, VK out ladies!