Monday, March 21, 2011

My Weekend

Well my weekend was pretty awesome, went up to my girlfriends on Friday and stayed there 'til Sunday. Very interesting... not much happened on Friday... mainly sat around and made-out... cooked a meal, hung outside.

THEN! I met Zach and Guy...legit his name's guy! ANYWAY! We had just met and we were talking like we had known each other for YEARS! They don't want me to say it out loud, but they like me better than Dylan, someone they've known all school year! I feel accomplished.....

I walked Guy and Zach back to Zach's house when I wasn't supposed to (shocker -_-). I gave them some "paraphernalia" and when I got back to Caity's house, she yelled at me for getting back RIGHT when Ma did... yet she didn't even notice, so it's like "LEAVE ME ALONE! She doesn't know! GOD!" but yeah.... The next morning Zach called Caity and had her wake me up because he wanted him, Guy, Caity, and Nick, a.k.a Jesus to hang out, which we all did... oh yeah, Angelica came too (Caity's friend). 

OMG! That reminds me, Caity's nephew (Joshua) came over and he loved me, he mimicked me ALL day, he even cried when Zach, Guy, Nick, and I went for a smoke break. Me, Zach, and Guy were talking about being father's when Josh feel asleep on the way back from the park on Zach's shoulder, then all 3 of us took turns carrying him... we said we needed to stay life long friends and bring our kids back to the same park someday, it was a LEGIT oath! And Guy saw that I like ICP and he said that him and Zach were trying to start a gang, and then let me join too... they named it "Triad" (even though that's already one). Get it... us 3... TRIad! Meaning 3, haha.... it's all good though

Later that day I met like 5 other of Caity's friends, so I met like 8 or 10 in this whole weekend. My best though were Nick, Guy, and Zach... but if worst came to worst...I'd have to say Guy... I think it's 'cause he reminds me A lot of my Uncle Mike, but it's all good, having a friend that's like family is always a good thing. For like, when you don't got the real thing.

BRE JUST HUGGED ME! YAY! I HAVEN'T GOTTEN A HUG FROM HER SINCE LIKE............. Thursday? Maybe Wednesday... I don't know..... Kassie's all back! YAY! I gots a hug from hers too!

Well... I'mma go now people! Violent K out!
and remember folks... KEEP IT CRAZY!  


1 comment:

  1. Now Bre's hovering over my shoulder reading Bradely's essay....... -_- I feel violated... HELP ME!
