Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Never know

Bre thinks I'm gonna be the next columbine... fuck the what? I mean, yeah I'm a bit psychopathic, but still... well, if I truly WANTED to I could... got like 5 guns in my room along with the knives, a scalpel from Art and Bio... I can be the next Dr. Death. (He was a Nazi experimenter/scientists/fucked up evil motherfucker!) Also I have some what of a knowledge of the human anatomy.

Well, school's over in about two weeks... it's gonna be a long summer. It's gonna suck being away from a lot of my friends. I'm really gonna miss Bre, Cassie, Melissa, and Dani... 7th period in the library has become quite... routine. I'm gonna miss it a lot. They may not be friends I hang out with outside of school... but for in-school friends... I wouldn't choose anyone else.

I don't know how often I'll be on in the summer. I hope everyone keeps their blogs updated, I'll try my hardest to keep mine that way.

-sigh- It's been a long year everyone. I hope when I come back in the fall, all my friends will still be here.

Hoping to have my permit at least by the time I come back. Then I'll have my license soon after, then I can drive up and see Marie ANY time I want to instead of having to wait for a ride 5 days later from when I was supposed to get a ride, y'know what I mean? Plus it'd just be nice to be able to drive where ever when ever I wanted to leave or if I wanted to go on a road trip with my friends.

Which reminds me. Me, Brittney, Katie, Marie, and Mitchell plan on going on a trip up to Mitchell's grandparents camp this summer... can anyone say "alcohol" ? I think yes... I'm gonna get FUCKED UP! Because I am gonna be getting the alcohol, so if I'M NOT DRUNK! I'M KILLING SOMEONE!

I'm not getting Jewed if I'm the one getting the booze. I'm not 21, but I know people...

Gotta go for now, bye

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse II

Well... let's see... a part two... I left off with melee weapons yesterday. Today... I think I'll get a little situational...

Say you and your friends are running from a horde and you come to a cliff edge with a river below... you can either, A; Jump off and into the waters below... B; Try to climb down the sheer cliff face... or C; Turn around, unload all your ammo and try to live.... Me personally I'd unload all my ammo and if there were some left, THEN I'd proceed to jump off the cliff.

Ok... another situation... you and a friend have snipers and shotguns, but you only have a few shots with the snipers and you're 100 yards from... say 50 zombies... you can either try to unload the snipers into the crowd and hope you'd have enough time to pick up your shotgun and fire at the one's closest... or just forget the snipers and run in guns-a-blazing. I'd shoot them with the snipers first and when they got to about 20-30 yards from me (regardless if the sniper still had ammo) drop the sniper, pick up the shotgun and blast away... plus I'm more of a shotgun guy personally.

And my weapon set up in the zombie apocalypse would be a Spas-12...

2 MW2's

A FN FAL on my other side slung over my shoulder

And a bowie knife to use for melee (would nomrally use a chainsaw, but I already got like 40 pounds on me)

And I've had my hunters safety lisence since I was 10... I know how to work a gun, I can dissemble and RE-assemble guns... and knives... hehe... skinning deer pays off SOMEWHERE! XD

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse I

Well... sooner or later... the world shall be over run by Zombies. Do you have a plan or shall you be a meal for the flesh eating zombies?

I certainly can't wait for it to happen... I got a few people... zombie or not... that I want dead. The apocalypse will just give me the excuse to kill them.

I mean a few I have personal things against... others... well they've fucked with my family/friends one too many times.

Well... let's see... the first thing that I'M going to do during the zombie apocalypse is get a loaded gun. Let me just write a list;
1. Get a loaded gun
2. Make sure my family is fine
3. Call up friends and tell them to hold out for as long as possible
4. Get car/truck (whichever would have more room) and get friends
5. Go to store, take as many canned goods as possible (leave perishables)
6. Go to a gun store, stock up on ammo and guns
7. Go to a large building and barricade the doors and first floor windows. (bring in guns and food)
8. Make sure everyone knows how to use their weapon
9. If split up, 3 to a group
10. Clear out building and get to the roof-top
11. Once on the roof top, start killing them all below
12. If at all possible, send out signal for military help
13.Once the area is at least cleared, drive through town to lure them out
14. Once lured, kill off as many as possible

OK! Well that's all I can think of off the top of my head... oh... remember ALWAYS have a melee weapon... such as a large knife/machete;

Or you can be someone like me;
isn't she beautiful?

Well school's almost over... will write a part II tomorrow

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


In the darkened corners of this home
I'll lie here and die alone
Am I here for a reason
Or am I just more flesh and bone?

You never helped me up when I fell
No sound over the constant bell
Stuck behind the bars of this cell

I'll forever burn
Each day, taking my turn
Into the cauldron
The souls they churn

These two wrists bleed
Can't you see
The cause has been of greed
Now I no longer be

But I will not leave you be
Your soul shave be dragged with me
And shall suffer for eternity

Death be calling my name?

Well... today has so far SUCKED!

Before the beginning of 1st period, I was walking with a friend and my chest hurt and i blacked-out for a sec and fell against the lockers. I don't fucking know what's going on. I think it's just some weird ass pain. My friend thinks it might be signs of a soon-to-be heart-attack... me? Heart-attack? Yeah right, she's just paranoid.

But yeah, I mean my chest still hurts and all, but I don't think it's anything bad, just heart burn maybe?

Well I'm in the mood to write dark poetry/lyrics

Monday, May 23, 2011

School's coming to an end

Well... school's JUST ABOUT over for the year... when it starts up again, I'll be a Junior. I'm gonna miss some of the Seniors... my brother, Josh, Sam, and a lot of other people. Damn next school year's gonna suck without them. At least I'll still be able to talk to Bre, Cassie, Melissa, Zach, Dillon, and a lot of of friends. High School's going by really fast. Didn't expect it to go bye so fast. Man... this sucks. Next thing you know, I'm gonna be a Senior and leaving behind four of the best/worst years of my life.

The sad times... the laughing time... the crying times... the break-ups... the make-ups... the loving times... the bromances... the happy times... the boring times...the hyper/excited times...

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pass 3 outta 5 classes... and yeah, even if you put that in percentage, I still failed. Next year, I'm just gonna do READ 180... I'll have a different Geometry teacher... here's to hope -_-

Well, I'm the class of 2013, and I found a quote that made me smile....
We're so fresh
We're so cool
Class of 2013 will always rule!
Party hard and Rock N' Roll
We're the class you can't control
Hardcore legit!
We're the shit!
We got poise
We got swag
I don't mean to brag
You think you got class?
Well 2013'll kick your ass!

I couldn't stop smiling and I can't stop smiling.

Well I don't know how many more post I'll be able to get in before they shut down the library, but I'll try to keep everyone posted over the summer!

Later everyone!

Friday, May 20, 2011

I dont know...

Well Cassie wants me to write a blog because I haven't written sense we've been having testing.

Yesterday I impaled myself with a colored pencil and tore more skin off than I had wanted to. Blood went everywhere. And when I was asked WHY I did it, I replied, "I was showing the class an example of a masochist" and I chuckled.

Today at lunch, Alex Bennet tried to start shit with me and when I turned around there were5 freshies about 3 inches SHORTER than me right behind me... my EXACT thoughts; "This is gonna be a LLLOOOOONNNNNGGGG lunch" but they ended up walking away. Everyone was telling me I should've kicked all their asses... probably should've. I fucking HATE little bitches like him who run their face!

THEN him and a few other freshmen told one of my good friends that I had called him a bitch,which I didn't they just thought it'd be funny to see what he'd do, he laughed at them.

But yea, enough of the drama. I'm not going to pass 2 outta my 5 classes and I'm getting a summer job and more than likely going to driver's ed! WOO-HOO! Me behind the wheel of a car!

To be honest, I'm quite good at the wheel, drove my 1st vehicle at 6, yeah my dad was working the pedals but the wheel was ALL mine. But by the time this is said and done, I'll be outta money :/ Son of a bitch -_-

The past few weekends me and Marie have been hanging out. It's really awesome, life's been good except for a little drama B.S. here and there.

Me, Dillon, and Zach are planning on starting a band soon. We're thinking "This Bleeding Heart" for the name. I will be the bassists/deep screamo, Zach would be the drummer/vocalist, and Dillon would be guitar/high screamo.

Well I'm done with this....

Friday, May 13, 2011

Me: Well, well, well... 'tis has been a while blog

Blog: Indeed it as... too long

Me: Shall we fight now?

Blog: Only if you're prepared to die

Me: Oh, it is not me whom will be dead by the end of this....

OK! Sorry about that... felt like writing something randomly EPIC! Well life's been pretty much the same. Drugs and alcohol. Hmmm... going to pick up Marie this weekend. She's staying in MY town this time... my friends are going to embarrass the FUCK outta me! I don't know which friends I want her to met, I know Zach and Dillon will met her, but theyz my bro's.

Well I went on a field trip the other day. When we went for lunch, we saw people carrying ONE large pizza for 6 people... WE GOT 3 LARGE'S FOR 5 PEOPLE! Me and Adam each had 8 pieces... which is a whole pizza. I had half a 2 liter and a medium milkshake. I DID NOT PUKE! I'MMA TANK BITCHES! XD

Monday, May 2, 2011


Well, just this past weekend I went up to Marie's house on Friday and stayed til Sunday. The only time we weren't together was when we had to use the bathroom or if I had to go for a smoke break, but then again, she kinda smokes.

I honestly hopes she doesn't smoke a lot like I do, because I don't want anything to happen to her, if anything did and I found out it was because I smoked and got her to smoke, I'd never live it down... especially if she died :/

We hung out and cuddled most of the time... she's a cuddle whore. But I'm not complaining. The funny thing is, her mom she couldn't sleep down stairs with me... they argued and it ended with Marie saying "I don't care what you say! I'm staying down stairs!" and sure enough, her mom came down in the middle of the night and we were PASSED-OUT together. Her mom apparently said she didn't even really care.

Her mom's pretty cool. She doesn't mind that I smoke pot, drink, and smoke cigarettes. Just can't drink/smoke pot around Marie, and I have to smoke outside... very funny, she's the first of a girlfriend's mom that is fine with what I do... quite funny to be honest. But me and her mom got along REALLY good to my surprise. Marie was talking about school and how she's gonna leave... her mom said no she wasn't, I agreed... and Marie did NOT like that AT ALL. I found it hilarious XD

So far, I've gotten along with ALL of her friends, even the gay one's that I think "look" at me. And her brother's pretty cool, he's about my age and me and him are chill. Her and her brother's friend, Eli, said that I was by far, Marie's best boyfriend and they had never seen her so happy before. And that made me feel good inside. Well, I gave her a Black Veil Brides shirt and I got a bracelet with my name she made and a picture she made for me, it's so cute!

On Saturday night, she wanted to stay up all night and watch movies and cuddle... she ended up falling asleep and I decided I wasn't gonna wake her up. She was mad at herself when she woke up. But I told her it was alright.

I was so SAD when I got dropped off back home... I was like "... -puts gun to head- -pulls trigger- -dies- ..." That's how sad I felt after she left. I wish I was still with her.

I miss her so much ):