Thursday, May 26, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse II

Well... let's see... a part two... I left off with melee weapons yesterday. Today... I think I'll get a little situational...

Say you and your friends are running from a horde and you come to a cliff edge with a river below... you can either, A; Jump off and into the waters below... B; Try to climb down the sheer cliff face... or C; Turn around, unload all your ammo and try to live.... Me personally I'd unload all my ammo and if there were some left, THEN I'd proceed to jump off the cliff.

Ok... another situation... you and a friend have snipers and shotguns, but you only have a few shots with the snipers and you're 100 yards from... say 50 zombies... you can either try to unload the snipers into the crowd and hope you'd have enough time to pick up your shotgun and fire at the one's closest... or just forget the snipers and run in guns-a-blazing. I'd shoot them with the snipers first and when they got to about 20-30 yards from me (regardless if the sniper still had ammo) drop the sniper, pick up the shotgun and blast away... plus I'm more of a shotgun guy personally.

And my weapon set up in the zombie apocalypse would be a Spas-12...

2 MW2's

A FN FAL on my other side slung over my shoulder

And a bowie knife to use for melee (would nomrally use a chainsaw, but I already got like 40 pounds on me)

And I've had my hunters safety lisence since I was 10... I know how to work a gun, I can dissemble and RE-assemble guns... and knives... hehe... skinning deer pays off SOMEWHERE! XD

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