Monday, May 23, 2011

School's coming to an end

Well... school's JUST ABOUT over for the year... when it starts up again, I'll be a Junior. I'm gonna miss some of the Seniors... my brother, Josh, Sam, and a lot of other people. Damn next school year's gonna suck without them. At least I'll still be able to talk to Bre, Cassie, Melissa, Zach, Dillon, and a lot of of friends. High School's going by really fast. Didn't expect it to go bye so fast. Man... this sucks. Next thing you know, I'm gonna be a Senior and leaving behind four of the best/worst years of my life.

The sad times... the laughing time... the crying times... the break-ups... the make-ups... the loving times... the bromances... the happy times... the boring times...the hyper/excited times...

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pass 3 outta 5 classes... and yeah, even if you put that in percentage, I still failed. Next year, I'm just gonna do READ 180... I'll have a different Geometry teacher... here's to hope -_-

Well, I'm the class of 2013, and I found a quote that made me smile....
We're so fresh
We're so cool
Class of 2013 will always rule!
Party hard and Rock N' Roll
We're the class you can't control
Hardcore legit!
We're the shit!
We got poise
We got swag
I don't mean to brag
You think you got class?
Well 2013'll kick your ass!

I couldn't stop smiling and I can't stop smiling.

Well I don't know how many more post I'll be able to get in before they shut down the library, but I'll try to keep everyone posted over the summer!

Later everyone!

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