Friday, May 20, 2011

I dont know...

Well Cassie wants me to write a blog because I haven't written sense we've been having testing.

Yesterday I impaled myself with a colored pencil and tore more skin off than I had wanted to. Blood went everywhere. And when I was asked WHY I did it, I replied, "I was showing the class an example of a masochist" and I chuckled.

Today at lunch, Alex Bennet tried to start shit with me and when I turned around there were5 freshies about 3 inches SHORTER than me right behind me... my EXACT thoughts; "This is gonna be a LLLOOOOONNNNNGGGG lunch" but they ended up walking away. Everyone was telling me I should've kicked all their asses... probably should've. I fucking HATE little bitches like him who run their face!

THEN him and a few other freshmen told one of my good friends that I had called him a bitch,which I didn't they just thought it'd be funny to see what he'd do, he laughed at them.

But yea, enough of the drama. I'm not going to pass 2 outta my 5 classes and I'm getting a summer job and more than likely going to driver's ed! WOO-HOO! Me behind the wheel of a car!

To be honest, I'm quite good at the wheel, drove my 1st vehicle at 6, yeah my dad was working the pedals but the wheel was ALL mine. But by the time this is said and done, I'll be outta money :/ Son of a bitch -_-

The past few weekends me and Marie have been hanging out. It's really awesome, life's been good except for a little drama B.S. here and there.

Me, Dillon, and Zach are planning on starting a band soon. We're thinking "This Bleeding Heart" for the name. I will be the bassists/deep screamo, Zach would be the drummer/vocalist, and Dillon would be guitar/high screamo.

Well I'm done with this....

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