Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hehehehe.... Bre was just talking and I put my ice cold hands on her neck... she shut RIGHT up!

Anyway...-sigh- I don't know what to talk about... let me ask someone

Bre suggested I have a problem... let me list off my problems

1. Being born
2. Listening to ICP when I was 6
3. Growing up without a mother
4. My father getting violent when he drinks
5. My brother never really helping me with anything
6. Being told everything I did was always wrong
7. Getting into the wrong crowd
8. Started drinking
9. Started smoking pot
10. Started smoking cigarettes
11. Let's just say EVERYTHING

Well... hmmm... I guess that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Satanism...... rot in hell... 'nough said.

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