Monday, April 4, 2011


Well today's topic my fellows.... VIRGINITY. See, my girlfriend, FOR THE LONGEST TIME, had been dead set on staying a virgin 'til she was married... me? Marriage? Fuck no! Anyway... I didn't pressure her into sex or anything, she always said she wanted to and when we were like basically having sex, she'd say she didn't want to, and I respected that decision... WELL let's just say I was the one who didn't want to have sex this past weekend... we had sex... I had intentions of leaving her WEEKS ago... but never did, and now I feel as if i don't try to make it last, I'd seem like someone who just got what they wanted to left... and I'm not like that... unless I hate you, than yeah... 

 She doesn't regret it and neither do I..... Last night she was kinda "iffy" about it and said she wanted her virginity back, but I think most girls are like that... I had even asked her 13 times if she was sure... she slapped me and said "do it!" .... look at that 13, unlucky number... asked her 13 times... unluckily got slapped... F... M... L!

Sex can JUST be sex, yes. But when you love the other person, it's better somehow... I'll admit... I used to be a BIG man-whore... I used to think getting stoned, drunk and fucking any girl of my pick was cool... I guess it was for a while... I don't regret it and I'm not going to, y'know what they say, "When you're older, you don't regret the things you did... you regret the things you DIDN'T do" which I find completely CORRECT!  ANYWAY! Me and my girlfriend had sex 4 times this weekend... the extra 3 only happened because SHE wanted to... kinda wierd for a virgin, huh? Well, me and my buddy Dusty, told her, "Once you have it, you're gonna want it A LOT" ... her reply... like most other girls "No, I won't, I don't NEED it." Now she's acting as if she'll never see me again and wants to please me... well............ having a sex addicted girlfriend isn't what it's cracked up to be... I didn't really mind, but the 4th times was an annoyance because it got to the point where, my ____ hurt when it got hard or even touched! ANYWAY!

That's about all.... later!

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