Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Other Half Of My Vacation

Well... I know I wrote a blog about my vacation, but that was mainly focused on Marie.

I'm gonna write about when I was hanging with Zach and Nick, yea Marie and a few other people were there, but whatever.

I went up and hung out with Zach and Nick for a day and we needed drink and smoke... being us, we got it. We spent only ONE day not high... and that was Sunday because we had school in the morning on Monday... well actually we smoked a little bit.

Most likely though... oh wait, no, I smoked when I got to my friend's house!

Anyway... we probably went through... maybe... 10-15 packs of cigarettes this vacation... possibly some more. I think that's why I feel like shit so much... yeah, that's DEFINITELY why.

I'm gonna quit for a few days then, 'cause it's NOT good for me... well technically, there were mini cigars, so I thinks that's worse! O.o GOD! Why am I such a nim-rod! I'll be dead by like 20-25!

Oh well, "Life's a bitch, then you die! So FUCK THE WORLD! LET'S ALL GET HIGH!"

That's how I'm living and I intend to always stay that way!

Marie would like it if I quit though... like, smoking cigarettes/cigars... I honestly think I might. My friend Kassie doesn't like it either, she keeps calling me a "idiot" for it. If I get 10 friends I care about to want me to quit... I will... 2 down... 8 to go.

Well... how long will it take before 8 people ask me to quit... -thinks- ... well if Kassie spreads the word... DAMN IT! >.<

She irritates me in the friend way though

Anyway! Back to my original topic. We spent like 6 days or so in Buck-Field and we spent 2 days in Lewiston.


  1. Haha! You really should quit. Your lungs are probably black as fuck as it is.

    When I call you an idiot, I mean you're being an idiot, not that you're doomed to a life of idiocy forever.
