Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Well I'm extremely PISSED off! Ok, if I get into an argument with someone, you can call and say just about ANYTHING to me... just.. NEVER... say "fuck you" because I'll start tweaking the hell out. And the reason for that specifically is because when my dad would drink when me and my older brother were younger and even today and we piss him off, he'll yell "fuck you!"and it makes me feel like shit. It makes me feel that way because he's literally the only man I TRULY respect, so whenever anyone says that and means it, I feel like shit just like when my dad says it. ANYWAY! I was on the phone last night and I was having an argument with one of my friends and I said "fuck you" and I know, get what you give, but I've told her she can call me any name or say anything except that and she chose JUST the 2 words to make me tweak.

That's all I got for now.....

Monday, November 21, 2011

There's Always Something.....

Well, right when I thought my life was gonna be free of fighting/arguing/things like that. More shit decides to come along.

Let me start this story by telling you another story, to help better explain. About a year or so ago I met a girl. Me and her never really hung out or talked for a while, but when we did, we started to like each other... and eventually... fell in love I guess. We didn't date or anything, she was engaged to some guy in jail and I was almost in a serious relationship. So... it was more like it was friends with benefits (strings attached). It may seem like nothing new, but it wasn't just a "lay" and a "Oh, see you tomorrow at school" it was more, we spent hours on the phone, hours hanging out. We'd make each other smile and laugh unlike anyone else had done before. And I broke up with my girl at the time to wait for her to break up with the Jail-bird. Never happened... I waited 3 months before I said I was done waiting and got into the the relationship I have right now. I swear to GOD I think she waited to tell me she broke up with the Jail-bird, because she didn't tell me for a month until I was IN a relationship! But the thing is she doesn't wanna let me go even IF I'm with someone... so I told her that she needed to get over it (not the best choice on my part). It sparked a 2 1/2 hour long fight of her yelling at me, then having me make a smart-ass remark because, well... that's just who I am.

But anyway! Down to business... the real bull-shit going on right now is she keeps telling me she's just a whore who wants to ruin my happiness and things like that. And even as JUST her friend, I tell her it's fine and she's not a whore. Now she's saying she's done talking to me, well she said that in a long ass message the other night... over the weekend, and she tried to confront me about today and I just walked off, she followed me and said she wanted to tell me in person, I turned around and kinda snapped at her and said, "What difference does it make in person or over the fucking internet! It still hurts!" And well she ran away, so I'm probably gonna be dealing with this shit all day from her sister and her best-friends... -sigh- Life isn't the worst, but it isn't the best... -_-

Friday, October 21, 2011


Ergh! I don't exactly know why, but life is so damn dull, boring, and just sucks for some reason.

On a bright side, it's gonna be Halloween next week, well, a little over a week but you get my point. My friend Patrick and I are going as Juggalo's... well we ARE, we're just going to be painting our faces... it's hard to find a store that sells GOOD face paint in a town like Lisbon/Lisbon Falls.

We plan on (during that day of Halloween) meeting each other somewhere, like a midpoint between our houses and painting our faces and walking around town all day and wait till later that night so we can hang with like 10 or so other people. That's gonna be fun, and we're gonna be singing ICP lyrics all fucking day! XD

Hmmm... also though, another group of my friends want me to goes as BVB army with them... but I've been a Juggalo WAY longer than I've been listening to Black Veil Brides. So I don't really know... it's kind of a hard decision... I already made plans with the whole BVB Army thing with a few people... but that's more just like a band that we wanna be like... being a Juggalo... is a way of life (if you wanna call it that).

My friend Ronelle thinks that I'd look better with ICP face paint... I don't know if I'm gonna go with Violent J's or my own original design... Ronelle says "Fuck the design, go with Violent J's!"

I don't really know... I'll figure it out -_-

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Hmm... well... life seems to be taking an unexpected turn on ME!

There's a girl I've been taking to on previous posts... Erika. She's a Juggalette... felt like I needed to mention that for some reason... why... I have not a clue. Anyway, me and her have been talking for maybe a week and we already plan on getting together. Yes I know, "That's stupid" but we've talked on the phone like every night for like 3 or so hours just talk about stuff, getting to know each other and what-not.

My best friend Patrick and I kind of agree that there is no such thing as a girl coming strong onto me... well... there IS!

Like... hmmm, I don't know how to explain it... I just really like her... we're like REALLY alike... oh... and my friend Andrew doesn't like it...

But here's the kicker... he's basically the one who set us up, now he's complaining that me and her are talking TOO much. I'm like "Really bro... you were a major part in this"! And then he'll be all like "Well I didn't expect you two to like each other so fast"

Either way... it's partly his fault.

I just hope that maybe things between Erika and I work out... and plus... she's moving to Lisbon soon... well... like in December, and it's like the end of October. So like 2 or so more months and then she should live in Lisbon, and I'm gonna give her some info on some of the house around so maybe that'll help.

Hmmm... I really hope after we start like REALLY hanging out, that I still like her and that she's the same person I know on the phone, y'know what I mean?

Well I gotta go, good-bye for now!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fuck... MY... LIFE!

Well... I got a call last night form my grandfather.... he has cancer... fuck my life... I smoked like 15 cigarettes in like an hour! HA! Like that's gonna help anything. Oh well... we all gotta die someday...oh wait... I'm a Juggalo, I CAN'T DIE! I wish life was like that.

But yeah, life's just fucked up and confusing right now. So nothings really changed all that much.

"Life's a bitch then ya die, fuck the world, let's all get high!" right?

Other than life sucking, it's ok... a song by Jamie Madrox made me cry... it was called "Tear Jerker" and it was talking in one part about how he rarely sees his dad and stuff like that and I could relate to that... soooo yeah.

GRRRR! I'm pissed also because there are these two girls that like me and I'm like.... Erika, Bri, Erika, Bri... GAH! Bri's an ex of mine but I still love her... but she has a boyfriend, Erika just recently broke up with her boyfriend and she wants to take time off dating before she can trust a guy again, they're both Juggalette's... if they fight... this should be interesting. It's one of those "now matter what I do, someone's gonna be pissed at me" situations. -_-

I think I'm gonna go for Erika because Bri... honestly... she'd come back to me no matter WHAT I did... we dated 2-3 years ago and she never forgot or loving me :) She told me on the phone last night "You never forget your first love" and then, in my head, it hit me, "She loves you, you fucking retard... she'd do anything to get back with you! She wants to be with you, stop being a fucking nimrod!"

Erika likes me and all that, but she hasn't even met me in person... which is kinda... clingy I guess you could say... well I gotta go... class is about to end... will finish this later

Friday, October 14, 2011


Well it's been quite some time since I've posted a blog... a lot of shit's happened... I'm not with Marie anymore and this girl, Harriett, is kind of obsessed with me... the thing that pisses ME is the fact that she got pissed off  at me for getting drunk and laid... BUT, here's the kicker, she thinks it's perfectly fine to be technically still engaged to some dude in jail and sleep and mess around with me... and I'm telling her today that I'm just done with all this shit. I'm only a junior and I DO NOT FUCKING NEED THIS SHIT IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW!!!!


But what are ya gonna do for a klondike bar? :/ I know what I'd do....... stab a fucking bitch in the neck!!!!!

... that is all...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Nun ja. Wenn das Leben gibt Ihnen nichts ... Sie nehmen, was Sie wollen und fühlen Keine Reue, für die es jemals gehört hatte. Sie nehmen es selbst in die Bälle und nehmen Sie es!

Denn in diesem Leben ist es essen ... oder gegessen. Die Welt ist ein Teufelskreis Ort jetzt und Sie müssen bereit sein für alles, was Ihr den Weg kommt. Selbst wenn es bedeutet, Mord ... was bestimmt dein sein ist euer, und niemand hat das Recht, sie von Ihnen oder eigene nehmen ... so nehmen Sie es, solange du kannst.

Nehmen Sie niemals die freie Fahrt in Ihrem eigenen Leben. Lebe das Leben am Rande und dass es so bleibt. Nie für zweite oder dritte begleichen! Fahren Sie geradeaus für das Gold!

Juggalo II

Well, never really got to finish the Juggalo thing... but like I said last time. It's more of a life choice than anything else. Mainly if you're a Juggalo, it's from ICP (Insane Clown Posse), but there are others like Twiztid, Blaze, AMB (Axe Murder Boys), Trixie Doll, ABK (Any Body Killa) and Dark Lotus. The Juggalo life-style basically is do what you want, when you want, and don't give a fuck who cares. And never forget about the family... and remember... once a Juggalo... always a Juggalo. You can't escape that shit, y'know what I mean?

But guys aren't the only one's who can be apart of the family... what kinda sense would THAT make? If a girl is part of the family, she is known as a Juggalette.

Well gotta go for now, 1st period's almost over!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Never know

Bre thinks I'm gonna be the next columbine... fuck the what? I mean, yeah I'm a bit psychopathic, but still... well, if I truly WANTED to I could... got like 5 guns in my room along with the knives, a scalpel from Art and Bio... I can be the next Dr. Death. (He was a Nazi experimenter/scientists/fucked up evil motherfucker!) Also I have some what of a knowledge of the human anatomy.

Well, school's over in about two weeks... it's gonna be a long summer. It's gonna suck being away from a lot of my friends. I'm really gonna miss Bre, Cassie, Melissa, and Dani... 7th period in the library has become quite... routine. I'm gonna miss it a lot. They may not be friends I hang out with outside of school... but for in-school friends... I wouldn't choose anyone else.

I don't know how often I'll be on in the summer. I hope everyone keeps their blogs updated, I'll try my hardest to keep mine that way.

-sigh- It's been a long year everyone. I hope when I come back in the fall, all my friends will still be here.

Hoping to have my permit at least by the time I come back. Then I'll have my license soon after, then I can drive up and see Marie ANY time I want to instead of having to wait for a ride 5 days later from when I was supposed to get a ride, y'know what I mean? Plus it'd just be nice to be able to drive where ever when ever I wanted to leave or if I wanted to go on a road trip with my friends.

Which reminds me. Me, Brittney, Katie, Marie, and Mitchell plan on going on a trip up to Mitchell's grandparents camp this summer... can anyone say "alcohol" ? I think yes... I'm gonna get FUCKED UP! Because I am gonna be getting the alcohol, so if I'M NOT DRUNK! I'M KILLING SOMEONE!

I'm not getting Jewed if I'm the one getting the booze. I'm not 21, but I know people...

Gotta go for now, bye

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse II

Well... let's see... a part two... I left off with melee weapons yesterday. Today... I think I'll get a little situational...

Say you and your friends are running from a horde and you come to a cliff edge with a river below... you can either, A; Jump off and into the waters below... B; Try to climb down the sheer cliff face... or C; Turn around, unload all your ammo and try to live.... Me personally I'd unload all my ammo and if there were some left, THEN I'd proceed to jump off the cliff.

Ok... another situation... you and a friend have snipers and shotguns, but you only have a few shots with the snipers and you're 100 yards from... say 50 zombies... you can either try to unload the snipers into the crowd and hope you'd have enough time to pick up your shotgun and fire at the one's closest... or just forget the snipers and run in guns-a-blazing. I'd shoot them with the snipers first and when they got to about 20-30 yards from me (regardless if the sniper still had ammo) drop the sniper, pick up the shotgun and blast away... plus I'm more of a shotgun guy personally.

And my weapon set up in the zombie apocalypse would be a Spas-12...

2 MW2's

A FN FAL on my other side slung over my shoulder

And a bowie knife to use for melee (would nomrally use a chainsaw, but I already got like 40 pounds on me)

And I've had my hunters safety lisence since I was 10... I know how to work a gun, I can dissemble and RE-assemble guns... and knives... hehe... skinning deer pays off SOMEWHERE! XD

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Zombie Apocalypse I

Well... sooner or later... the world shall be over run by Zombies. Do you have a plan or shall you be a meal for the flesh eating zombies?

I certainly can't wait for it to happen... I got a few people... zombie or not... that I want dead. The apocalypse will just give me the excuse to kill them.

I mean a few I have personal things against... others... well they've fucked with my family/friends one too many times.

Well... let's see... the first thing that I'M going to do during the zombie apocalypse is get a loaded gun. Let me just write a list;
1. Get a loaded gun
2. Make sure my family is fine
3. Call up friends and tell them to hold out for as long as possible
4. Get car/truck (whichever would have more room) and get friends
5. Go to store, take as many canned goods as possible (leave perishables)
6. Go to a gun store, stock up on ammo and guns
7. Go to a large building and barricade the doors and first floor windows. (bring in guns and food)
8. Make sure everyone knows how to use their weapon
9. If split up, 3 to a group
10. Clear out building and get to the roof-top
11. Once on the roof top, start killing them all below
12. If at all possible, send out signal for military help
13.Once the area is at least cleared, drive through town to lure them out
14. Once lured, kill off as many as possible

OK! Well that's all I can think of off the top of my head... oh... remember ALWAYS have a melee weapon... such as a large knife/machete;

Or you can be someone like me;
isn't she beautiful?

Well school's almost over... will write a part II tomorrow

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


In the darkened corners of this home
I'll lie here and die alone
Am I here for a reason
Or am I just more flesh and bone?

You never helped me up when I fell
No sound over the constant bell
Stuck behind the bars of this cell

I'll forever burn
Each day, taking my turn
Into the cauldron
The souls they churn

These two wrists bleed
Can't you see
The cause has been of greed
Now I no longer be

But I will not leave you be
Your soul shave be dragged with me
And shall suffer for eternity

Death be calling my name?

Well... today has so far SUCKED!

Before the beginning of 1st period, I was walking with a friend and my chest hurt and i blacked-out for a sec and fell against the lockers. I don't fucking know what's going on. I think it's just some weird ass pain. My friend thinks it might be signs of a soon-to-be heart-attack... me? Heart-attack? Yeah right, she's just paranoid.

But yeah, I mean my chest still hurts and all, but I don't think it's anything bad, just heart burn maybe?

Well I'm in the mood to write dark poetry/lyrics

Monday, May 23, 2011

School's coming to an end

Well... school's JUST ABOUT over for the year... when it starts up again, I'll be a Junior. I'm gonna miss some of the Seniors... my brother, Josh, Sam, and a lot of other people. Damn next school year's gonna suck without them. At least I'll still be able to talk to Bre, Cassie, Melissa, Zach, Dillon, and a lot of of friends. High School's going by really fast. Didn't expect it to go bye so fast. Man... this sucks. Next thing you know, I'm gonna be a Senior and leaving behind four of the best/worst years of my life.

The sad times... the laughing time... the crying times... the break-ups... the make-ups... the loving times... the bromances... the happy times... the boring times...the hyper/excited times...

Well, I'm pretty sure I'm gonna pass 3 outta 5 classes... and yeah, even if you put that in percentage, I still failed. Next year, I'm just gonna do READ 180... I'll have a different Geometry teacher... here's to hope -_-

Well, I'm the class of 2013, and I found a quote that made me smile....
We're so fresh
We're so cool
Class of 2013 will always rule!
Party hard and Rock N' Roll
We're the class you can't control
Hardcore legit!
We're the shit!
We got poise
We got swag
I don't mean to brag
You think you got class?
Well 2013'll kick your ass!

I couldn't stop smiling and I can't stop smiling.

Well I don't know how many more post I'll be able to get in before they shut down the library, but I'll try to keep everyone posted over the summer!

Later everyone!

Friday, May 20, 2011

I dont know...

Well Cassie wants me to write a blog because I haven't written sense we've been having testing.

Yesterday I impaled myself with a colored pencil and tore more skin off than I had wanted to. Blood went everywhere. And when I was asked WHY I did it, I replied, "I was showing the class an example of a masochist" and I chuckled.

Today at lunch, Alex Bennet tried to start shit with me and when I turned around there were5 freshies about 3 inches SHORTER than me right behind me... my EXACT thoughts; "This is gonna be a LLLOOOOONNNNNGGGG lunch" but they ended up walking away. Everyone was telling me I should've kicked all their asses... probably should've. I fucking HATE little bitches like him who run their face!

THEN him and a few other freshmen told one of my good friends that I had called him a bitch,which I didn't they just thought it'd be funny to see what he'd do, he laughed at them.

But yea, enough of the drama. I'm not going to pass 2 outta my 5 classes and I'm getting a summer job and more than likely going to driver's ed! WOO-HOO! Me behind the wheel of a car!

To be honest, I'm quite good at the wheel, drove my 1st vehicle at 6, yeah my dad was working the pedals but the wheel was ALL mine. But by the time this is said and done, I'll be outta money :/ Son of a bitch -_-

The past few weekends me and Marie have been hanging out. It's really awesome, life's been good except for a little drama B.S. here and there.

Me, Dillon, and Zach are planning on starting a band soon. We're thinking "This Bleeding Heart" for the name. I will be the bassists/deep screamo, Zach would be the drummer/vocalist, and Dillon would be guitar/high screamo.

Well I'm done with this....

Friday, May 13, 2011

Me: Well, well, well... 'tis has been a while blog

Blog: Indeed it as... too long

Me: Shall we fight now?

Blog: Only if you're prepared to die

Me: Oh, it is not me whom will be dead by the end of this....

OK! Sorry about that... felt like writing something randomly EPIC! Well life's been pretty much the same. Drugs and alcohol. Hmmm... going to pick up Marie this weekend. She's staying in MY town this time... my friends are going to embarrass the FUCK outta me! I don't know which friends I want her to met, I know Zach and Dillon will met her, but theyz my bro's.

Well I went on a field trip the other day. When we went for lunch, we saw people carrying ONE large pizza for 6 people... WE GOT 3 LARGE'S FOR 5 PEOPLE! Me and Adam each had 8 pieces... which is a whole pizza. I had half a 2 liter and a medium milkshake. I DID NOT PUKE! I'MMA TANK BITCHES! XD

Monday, May 2, 2011


Well, just this past weekend I went up to Marie's house on Friday and stayed til Sunday. The only time we weren't together was when we had to use the bathroom or if I had to go for a smoke break, but then again, she kinda smokes.

I honestly hopes she doesn't smoke a lot like I do, because I don't want anything to happen to her, if anything did and I found out it was because I smoked and got her to smoke, I'd never live it down... especially if she died :/

We hung out and cuddled most of the time... she's a cuddle whore. But I'm not complaining. The funny thing is, her mom she couldn't sleep down stairs with me... they argued and it ended with Marie saying "I don't care what you say! I'm staying down stairs!" and sure enough, her mom came down in the middle of the night and we were PASSED-OUT together. Her mom apparently said she didn't even really care.

Her mom's pretty cool. She doesn't mind that I smoke pot, drink, and smoke cigarettes. Just can't drink/smoke pot around Marie, and I have to smoke outside... very funny, she's the first of a girlfriend's mom that is fine with what I do... quite funny to be honest. But me and her mom got along REALLY good to my surprise. Marie was talking about school and how she's gonna leave... her mom said no she wasn't, I agreed... and Marie did NOT like that AT ALL. I found it hilarious XD

So far, I've gotten along with ALL of her friends, even the gay one's that I think "look" at me. And her brother's pretty cool, he's about my age and me and him are chill. Her and her brother's friend, Eli, said that I was by far, Marie's best boyfriend and they had never seen her so happy before. And that made me feel good inside. Well, I gave her a Black Veil Brides shirt and I got a bracelet with my name she made and a picture she made for me, it's so cute!

On Saturday night, she wanted to stay up all night and watch movies and cuddle... she ended up falling asleep and I decided I wasn't gonna wake her up. She was mad at herself when she woke up. But I told her it was alright.

I was so SAD when I got dropped off back home... I was like "... -puts gun to head- -pulls trigger- -dies- ..." That's how sad I felt after she left. I wish I was still with her.

I miss her so much ):

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Other Half Of My Vacation

Well... I know I wrote a blog about my vacation, but that was mainly focused on Marie.

I'm gonna write about when I was hanging with Zach and Nick, yea Marie and a few other people were there, but whatever.

I went up and hung out with Zach and Nick for a day and we needed drink and smoke... being us, we got it. We spent only ONE day not high... and that was Sunday because we had school in the morning on Monday... well actually we smoked a little bit.

Most likely though... oh wait, no, I smoked when I got to my friend's house!

Anyway... we probably went through... maybe... 10-15 packs of cigarettes this vacation... possibly some more. I think that's why I feel like shit so much... yeah, that's DEFINITELY why.

I'm gonna quit for a few days then, 'cause it's NOT good for me... well technically, there were mini cigars, so I thinks that's worse! O.o GOD! Why am I such a nim-rod! I'll be dead by like 20-25!

Oh well, "Life's a bitch, then you die! So FUCK THE WORLD! LET'S ALL GET HIGH!"

That's how I'm living and I intend to always stay that way!

Marie would like it if I quit though... like, smoking cigarettes/cigars... I honestly think I might. My friend Kassie doesn't like it either, she keeps calling me a "idiot" for it. If I get 10 friends I care about to want me to quit... I will... 2 down... 8 to go.

Well... how long will it take before 8 people ask me to quit... -thinks- ... well if Kassie spreads the word... DAMN IT! >.<

She irritates me in the friend way though

Anyway! Back to my original topic. We spent like 6 days or so in Buck-Field and we spent 2 days in Lewiston.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Well I just wrote a love letter to my girlfriend this morning, but she lives in Bath and I live in Lisbon Falls... sent it to her on skype... still NO reply... but that's probably because she hasn't checked it, isn't she in for a REAL surprise. It's a really sweet and romantic thing... debating on putting it on here... FUCK IT! Why not!?

"Dear Marie,
I love you with all my heart. You're the only reason I chose to stay alive. I'd give everything up just to kiss you. I'd do anything just to hold you and be able to call you 'mine' again. I truly don't know why I feel this way. Maybe it's your smile, maybe it's your personality... or maybe it's the beautiful eyes... every time I look at them I get lost. I wish I could hold you through every bad moment... but I can't. Baby, I'm not gonna sugar-coat it, I'm telling you the truth. I wish I was always there for you to cry on my shoulder, I wish I could feel your pain and bleed for you. I'll love you 'til I'm dead in the ground. No one's gonna put my love down. I'll be there forever, but I can't promise it'll be the best, I'll make it what I can, but life has no guarantee’s... you should know that by now. But as long as I have you to hold in my arms, I know I can make it through, so can you? I'll carry you through the smoke and flame. When the world comes to end, I'll take your blame. I know I'm not the best... but I'll beat the rest. They promise this, that, and the world and don't come out with anything. I'd love to promise you everything, but I can't, so I'm not gonna lie. One thing I CAN promise is that I'll always try my best to never let you down.

I finally feel alive every time I see you. Every time I hear you say “I love you” I feel weak and just want to embrace the warm feeling I get inside. My heart used to be encased in ice and snow, but when you came along and brightened my day, the snow and ice melted and my heart started to beat again and every time our fingers intertwine, my heart races faster and faster.

Each day I die a little more inside, from the distance. But every time I hear your voice, all that life comes rushing back in and then some. You make me happy I’m alive, and for the first time in months, I don’t have to hide behind the fake smiles, because now they’re real.

I know I'm an ass-hole and a prick at times, but I'm only human... and we all make mistakes. I know my life style is very different than yours. My life is full of drugs and addictions! But when I met you, you became my drug... you became my addiction. I wish I could’ve been there every time someone broke your heart, so I could help you pick up the pieces and put them back together... I know you don't love me like I love you, but just having you in my life is enough for me... I'll never let you go... I promise, I'll love you forever and a day...
Love, Kenny Allisot"

Yea...well that took up a lot of ONE post, so yea... gonna go now

Violent K OUT!

I Don't Get It

Ok... I DON'T GET IT! My girlfriend and I say we love each other, right? Yeah, that's good fine and great. But almost EVERY-time we're on the phone, she's always like "I'll get clingy" "I'm a very jealous person" "You'll get sick of me sooner or later, everyone does" DOES SHE NOT UNDERSTAND THAT I DON'T CARE ABOUT CLINGY-NESS OR JEALOUSY? WE'RE HUMAN! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO FEEL THAT WAY!

I even get jealous, I can be clingy, we're only HUMAN y'know!

Now I'm writing a love letter to her, peace!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Hehehehe.... Bre was just talking and I put my ice cold hands on her neck... she shut RIGHT up!

Anyway...-sigh- I don't know what to talk about... let me ask someone

Bre suggested I have a problem... let me list off my problems

1. Being born
2. Listening to ICP when I was 6
3. Growing up without a mother
4. My father getting violent when he drinks
5. My brother never really helping me with anything
6. Being told everything I did was always wrong
7. Getting into the wrong crowd
8. Started drinking
9. Started smoking pot
10. Started smoking cigarettes
11. Let's just say EVERYTHING

Well... hmmm... I guess that's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Satanism...... rot in hell... 'nough said.


Hmmm, well I woke up this morning at 6... got up, walked around the house for a minute... the passed back out. Woke up at 6:30ish to call Marie and she had already left... so I passed out again. Got up at 7:12, was THINKING about going back to bed, but couldn't because my dad wouldn't stop yelling at me to get ready for school... damn you old man... damn you to hell.

Last night was quite interesting though. Talked the SAME old talk with my step-mom about my grades. Obviously I say I'm doing better, but still failing to make it seem believable.

WE GOT A NEW CAT! Her name's Chloe, she's about a year old, we like JUST got her so she's still shy, but surprisingly she doesn't run like hell when me or my brother walk by, she just sits there and watches us. She's really cute though, she's black and white, mostly white with a black eye-patch type thing and a few blotches of black here and there.

I can't wait for this weekend! I'm more than likely going up to see Marie... meeting her family.... oh god.... Oh well, I'll live... her mother told me to be myself when I meet her... this shall be VERY interesting. Black tripps with orange trim and an Insane Clown Posse, Black Veil Brides, or Bullet For My Valentine shirt. Her aunt sent me a message on Facebook this morning, well last night, but I looked at it this morning. It wasn't anything bad, just "Glad to see you're in a relationship with my niece, it's good to see her happy. Hope to meet you soon." AND she sent me a friend request. How should I respond to that? Maybe I'll ask Marie first, that's probably the best thing I could think of. God knows how this weekend will go.... I can only think of TWO possible ways it'll happen...

1: Her mother will end up liking me and I'll get along well with her family and some of the friends I meet... well I've met one of her friends, Zach, he's gay... thought I was "cute" -eye twitches- Sketchy....

2: Her mother and family will end up either not caring for me or hating my guts... therefore not letting us see each other a lot or forbidding us to go out. If her mother thinks she can do that... hehehe, she's DEAD wrong. I won't let ANYONE take Marie away from me.

But that's the only two ways I see this going.

Ah, yes! Her mother has NO problem that I drink, smoke, and smoke cigarettes. Just as long as I don't do it around Marie... and I have to smoke outside....

Well gotta go!

Monday, April 25, 2011

My Vacation

Well... where to begin



More pot...

more beer...

AH YES! I met my current girlfriend Marie. She's got just about EVERYTHING in common with me. It's kinda scary to be honest! But it seems so perfect... if this is a dream; then when I wake up someone is DEAD! But we met one night when we were smoking and drinking. Normally two teens would be like "We're drinking and smoking! LET'S FUCK!" Not the case. We actually sat and talked about our interests for like 3 hours. I'll admit, I liked her from the second meeting her... but she said she doesn't date or even like people she's known for less than a few months. She told me she thought I was cute and adorable and she didn't understand why she liked me so much after like JUST meeting me... am I that good? Hmmm... well she said that I was perfect and the first guy to say sweet things to her, which I find shocking, she's a very beautiful girl.

Like I said though, she's basically perfect... it just seems to good to be real, seriously though. The funny thing is though, she came up to Buck-Field to hang with her friend Wade and spent only a SINGLE day with him, she spent the other 4 nights with me in Zach's guest bedroom... NOTHING HAPPENED! I honestly swear. Well... we kissed... made-out... little nibbling here and there... even though... and fore-play.... Ignore that! But yea... I had the BEST 4/20 morning ever.... Hehehe... sorry, promised not to tell.

Well then I spent a few days in Lewiston just chilling with Zach and Nick a.k.a JESUS!

...... I just totally shit a brick........

......... MIND FUCK.............

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Why was I born? Why haven't I died yet? What makes me such a horrible son? I don't know... I feel like dying. This has been the second time my dad has gotten drunk and said he was ashamed to be my father... and since he's the only person I've ever looked up to, it hurts... it really does. I've never felt this bad... EVER. What did I do for this to happen... am I that horrible of a person...?

I don't think I am... I just helped my buddy Chad get back with a girl he likes... they only broke up because some chick said to him that she was planning on breaking up with him, so he decided to get there first... but it turns out the chick was just being a royal BITCH!

But anyway... after my dad said that... I just felt like I shouldn't be alive... as an FYI; can't OD on Tylenol.

But why are we born into this world? What is our purpose if we all just DIE in the end anyway? I mean yeah, people have fun and stuff, but why does the outcome always have to be the same? It just doesn't make sense... just like it doesn't make sense that I'm alive still... I should've suffocated when I was born by the umbilical cord... stupid Doctor had to cut it... couldn't have let me go, could he? Nope... guess not. Had to be born into this shit hole to rot the rest of my days away...

Fuck this...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Break-Up

Well, broke up with my girlfriend... don't ask why, I have my reasons... -sigh- I DO feel like a dick seeing how we had sex and it was her 1st time a few weeks ago.... But she deserves better, and I think she'll find the right guy sometime soon. Well... obviously I liked other girls while I was with her... but now that I AM available... I don't want anyone else.

Anyway... I called her yesterday after school, and told her we need to talk and she thought that I was gonna be funny about something... not so much. But even though I broke up with her I still feel so terrible... it feels like my souls is slowly ripping out of my body and like someone stabbed my heart and is slowly twisting the blade... pain... pain is just weakness leaving the body. Well, y'know the small metal cabinets? I kicked the bottom and dented the bottom door, punched the top and caved it in and punched the higher door and it kinda imploded around my hand... it got stuck... I had to PRY my hand out of the folded metal... not as easy as it seems.

"Straight to Hell Melissa... straight to Hell" don't ask, just a random quotation.

Then I went to Billy's house and we played COD Zombies and it kinda helped... does me slaughtering hordes of zombies and me feeling better after a break-up mean I'm twisted... I do... but then again... I'm just fucked up to begin with... oh well... life's a bitch the ya die, so FUCK the world let's all get high... not really I'm trying to quit....

Can't wait for Easter and the Saturday before it... my friend is getting married at 17! and I'm gonna be his "best man" meaning bachelor party... and I gotta plan it all... well I got most of it ready, I only need to get certain "supplies" for the party... hungover and at the alter... this'll be interesting... well I'm gonna go now... won't be on til April Vacation is over... LATER!!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Fallen Angels

When we were young, just about EVERYONE was innocent. I mean, I was even innocent at one point... my friends find that hard to believe though! When I was younger, I went to church with my 3 friends; Mia, Greg, and Angie, whom they are all my best friends. And obviously everyone has dreams of being famous, but all 4 of us put out minds to it... I learned to play bass, Greg got drum lessons, Angie got guitar lessons... and Mia... well, she knew how to sing from BIRTH basically.

Anyway! Back to the reasoning of all of this; we all used to be really good kids, we never disrespected anyone, always helped out in some way (note, this is when we were like 6ish) and all the way up to 11 we were like that.

I can't really say what happened... but all I know is shit got MESSED UP! We started acting out like crazy, we pulled pranks, and basically went around LOOKING for trouble. Then we all picked up an instrument (SO DIDN'T HELP!)Surprisingly, it took like 3 years for Mia to go "HEY! You play bass, Angie plays guitar, and Greg plays drums! Let's start a band!" and obviously we were like FUCK YEA! And it took us MONTHS to come up with a band name and we finally agreed upon this: "The World After Torment" and it took us about June of LAST year to finally get our stuff posted.

OK! ANYWAY! Back to the point... we wrote the song "Fallen Angel Society" because we used to be perfect kids... perfect angels. But when we wrote the song, it's because we were practicing and Greg's mom came home and told us that our old pasture, Jim, had asked about us and she told him we weren't the same kids, that we had gotten into trouble a lot and that we had started a band.... After she told him that... apparently, he referenced us as "Fallen Angels" so that's basically where the name came from... the lyrics came from our defiance to the Government, the Church, and everything good and decent basically... well school's about to end... bye everyone!

A song I wrote sometime a few months ago

Stay together now
They are strong
But we are many!

Wait for the signal
Take your chance
Use this blind rage
And take sword in hand

Don't back down
In this sea of blood they'll drown
Run blind through smoke and fire
Don't go down alone
Don't be scared
We're all side-by-side
We will win this fight!
We can make it through this plight
Feel the sting of the bullets
Feel the burn of the fire
Pain is your desire!

Ignore your pain
Forget those already slain!
Don't let the sacrifice go in vein!
We will NOT back down!
They can't put us in the ground!
We won't give up!
They've tried to hold us down long enough!
We are!

We're like a plague!
We're like a curse!
We're a nightmare that you won't change!

But you're not waking from this!
Say good-bye to all you hold dear!
Your end is here!
Don't give in!
I wanna see you BLEED!
I wanna hear you SCREAM!
I wanna see you FALL!
I wanna hear you CRY!

Monday, April 11, 2011

This Is Why You Don't Go To The Beach On Acid (last summer)

Standing on a rock with about a 30 foot drop into crystal clear water
Feeling the cold mist spray against my body
I wanted to jump into the water and let myself be engulfed by the cool waters
The water was at least another 20 feet deep
I wanted to jump... I couldn't swim, but I wanted to jump
I acknowledged my inability to swim...
But still I was called by the splashing of the waves on the rock
I felt warm inside...I felt like I was the last human alive
I felt powerful, I felt indestructible, I felt immortal
I felt like a GOD!

Then in a flash it all vanished
The crystal clear water turned to red hot scorching fires
The rock I was standing on became a mountain of rotting corpses
The cool misty spray became smoke and ash and scorched flesh
Even though the world had just become and utter HELL... I still wanted to jump
God knows how long down the fires of the pit went... miles possibly...
If I jumped, I'd surely burn to death and die slowly
Even though it was fire... I still felt the need to jump
Now, the fires of death and despair called me in
I felt cold inside... I felt like I had slaughtered everyone I loved and was standing on their corpses
I felt weak... vulnerable... I felt mortal
I felt DEAD...

Friday, April 8, 2011


Juggalo's... oh WHERE to begin...let's start with it's not just being a fan of ICP... it's a life style. I'm and a Juggalo... my friends don't understand... my parents don't... only my fellow Juggalo's understand me 100%

It's a good life... a little hectic at times, but we all seem to manage along just fine. My friends assume the my "Juggalo-ism" is why violent... it could be you could say... but most of it just comes from events that have happened throughout my life. My life hasn't been the best, but it's not the worst...y'know what... I totally forgot when I was going with this! THANKS BRE, CASSIE, and MELISSA!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Why is it that people make break-ups so dramatic, whatever happened to the old "It's over" and walk away? Seriously? My friend broke up with his girlfriend during lunch yesterday, he was nice about it too, Darren simply walked over to Sarah and said that he couldn't handle a relationship and said he still loved her. SHE dragged it out to a 20 minute fight. And even after that, I SWEAR she SENT her friends after him, so after lunch, he was all sad and depressed and acting like the world was going to end... so I punched him and told him to grow a pair. I know.... not the best tactic, but it worked enough.

Right before 7th period ended, I sent out a MASS text to all my Juggalo homies, and we planned a HUGE party in the woods 5 miles from Darren's house. There's still probably 5 gallons worth of Faygo in my fridge from the left overs, but HELL, why am I complaining?

Anyway! Details of the party: It was about 20-30 of us partying like hell. We had face-painting, Had the ICP, Dark Lotus, Tiwztid, and Blaze cranked WAY the fuck up, some chicks went topless, thank you God! I live in Maine... and yesterday was like some 30 something degrees but it was awesome. The party got his mind off of Sarah and for that, I was happy for him. ANYWAY! We partied a lot and everything was good. Faygo is just about LITERALLY ALL Darren will drink... so to have a party with PLENTY of Faygo there, he was happy. Damn thing killed my wallet though... $150 paycheck one day... $30 the next morning... how? Why? What? ... BECAUSE I FUCKING CAN! Oh well... we had a nice party and Darren hooked up with another girl... Terra? Tina? Some shit like that.... we were drinking and smoking obviously... Darren jumped into a freezing lake... -_- dumb ass... Well I can't say I was completely sane either... I got paid $15 to let someone carve "ICP" into my left shoulder, should I have done it? No. Do I regret it? Yeah.Was it worth it? HELL YES!

HAHAHAHAHA! Well... that's about all I suppose, later followers

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well... Bre just read the "V-Card" blog... she was OK until she got to the part about my ____ and then her face was like, completely horrified... then she wouldn't stop starring at my ____(well that general region). And THAT was awkward... well... I guess your life is always weird when you're a Juggalo... NOT  JIGallo, I USED to be a man-whore!

But not now, I've smartened up and now I'm settled down with a girl... but I honestly don't know how long it will last... she's TOO nice... to the point where it's annoying... UGH! And since I'm the one who took her V-Card... I'll feel like an ass-hole no matter what! GAH! Someone kill me... and if you do... I want this on my grave stone... "When I die, show no pity, send my soul to Juggalo City. Dig my grave six feet deep, and put two matches by my feet. Lay two hatchets on my chest, and tell my homies I did my best." That would be awesome! t

Monday, April 4, 2011


Well today's topic my fellows.... VIRGINITY. See, my girlfriend, FOR THE LONGEST TIME, had been dead set on staying a virgin 'til she was married... me? Marriage? Fuck no! Anyway... I didn't pressure her into sex or anything, she always said she wanted to and when we were like basically having sex, she'd say she didn't want to, and I respected that decision... WELL let's just say I was the one who didn't want to have sex this past weekend... we had sex... I had intentions of leaving her WEEKS ago... but never did, and now I feel as if i don't try to make it last, I'd seem like someone who just got what they wanted to left... and I'm not like that... unless I hate you, than yeah... 

 She doesn't regret it and neither do I..... Last night she was kinda "iffy" about it and said she wanted her virginity back, but I think most girls are like that... I had even asked her 13 times if she was sure... she slapped me and said "do it!" .... look at that 13, unlucky number... asked her 13 times... unluckily got slapped... F... M... L!

Sex can JUST be sex, yes. But when you love the other person, it's better somehow... I'll admit... I used to be a BIG man-whore... I used to think getting stoned, drunk and fucking any girl of my pick was cool... I guess it was for a while... I don't regret it and I'm not going to, y'know what they say, "When you're older, you don't regret the things you did... you regret the things you DIDN'T do" which I find completely CORRECT!  ANYWAY! Me and my girlfriend had sex 4 times this weekend... the extra 3 only happened because SHE wanted to... kinda wierd for a virgin, huh? Well, me and my buddy Dusty, told her, "Once you have it, you're gonna want it A LOT" ... her reply... like most other girls "No, I won't, I don't NEED it." Now she's acting as if she'll never see me again and wants to please me... well............ having a sex addicted girlfriend isn't what it's cracked up to be... I didn't really mind, but the 4th times was an annoyance because it got to the point where, my ____ hurt when it got hard or even touched! ANYWAY!

That's about all.... later!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Hmm... well let's see here.... what to say what to say... I have no clue, maybe just the fact that the sky is blue... no that won't do, 'cause the is not something new! Now I feel like the Cheshire cat from Alice In Wonderland... speaking of which, did you know that the movie/story/book was based after an acid trip... well that's what I believe. People have different perspectives... I don't think someone could SANELY come up with something like that... THE CATERPILLAR SMOKES OUT OF A DAMN HUKA! 


Y'know people... I hate liars... mainly people who run their faces about fights they've been in and I KNOW when someone is lying about a fight, the trick is if they tell you the story and the story only involves THEM kicking someone's else ass instead of also saying what happened to them. But the ONE thing I hate more... than ANYTHING when it comes to lying... and that folks is people who try to say they ARE or ONCE WERE... Emo....

Such as my little sister just did... she said she was Emo back in 7th grade... no... I am Emo... she is not, never was, and never will be, she claims she cut herself but she's too much of a prissy bitch to do it, she's had a good life, yeah her dad left but at least he didn't stay in her life and promise her this and that and get disappointed when nothing showed up, like my mother did to me... I'll admit, her life wasn't perfect, but atleast she had only ONE step-father, sorry little sis... but I've had to bounce at 3 step-moms! SO STOP TRYING TO ACT LIKE YOUR LIFE SUCKS AND STIFFEN THAT UPPER LIP! DO YOU SEE ME CRYING ABOUT MY MOM LEAVING? DO YOU SEE ME SAYING "I'm Emo!" FOR ATTENTION? NO!

Ok... sorry about that people, I'm back... that was a little rage outburst, but it just REALLY pisses me off when people do shit like acting Emo or other shit like that... it just makes me wanna KILL SOMEONE! IT PISSES ME OFF TO NO END!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I dont know

Well... today has been pretty normal... Zach was being a dumb-ass in English, the teacher asked him to put his phone away and it got to the point where I, SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT! SAID "JUST PUT THE PHONE IN YOUR DAMN POCKET!"

Then before that, in 3rd period... we were in art and everything was fine until the belt in the radiator was making this loud scrapping/screeching noise... and it was SO damn annoying it made me wanna kick a small defenseless animal! XP

Anyway... to the point of it... today has been an annoying one... my friend got kicked out of bio too... just because she refused to do the work.... but the funny thing is... Zach seemed to be in every class of mine that there was a problem in... hmmm.... coincidental? Who the fuck knows..... 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I don't know, you tell me...

Well... I truly don't know what to really type about now... I had an idea like 2 seconds before I started... then I forgot... god damn.........

Anyway, me and Kassie have been talking about the most random shit in the past 5 minutes. Killing someone, dreams, music, drugs, being insane... yeah.... that's life for ya!

Hmmm... well today has gone by mildly quick... since I'm wearing purple PJ pants I got the awkwardest looks... someone called me a fag, thought I am straight, purple is just the shit! PLUS IT'S JACK-MOTHER-FUCKING-SKELINGTON!

PJ Incident

Well... today I woke up at 6am and took a shower and got ready for school and everything was normal.... 'til I got to school... see I let my lesbian friend wear my red and black PJ pants because she was kinda tired of wearing the same thing everyday to school... so I decided to bring her mine to surprise her because she had said she really loved them when she 1st saw them. And being the friend she is... she offered me to wear hers.... At 1st I was like "No" but after a few minutes I was like "F*** it!" and now as I type this, I'm wearing white and purple Jack Skelington PJ's! :D

Either way the funniest thing I find about the situation is that she's a lesbian, I'm straight, I have a girlfriend and she has a girlfriend too... we're gonna tell them that she got into my pants and I got into her pants! ROFL

Well that was just a news update, PEACE y'all!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My Life

Well... my life... god this topic gets me more stuck than a 'coon in a tree with a bloodhound running in circles around the tree and me with a 12 gauge... oh yes... THAT bad!

Well I was born in Bath, ME. For the 1st 3 years of my life I lived there, so no more than a few blurs of a partial memory. Things were fine... I had my older brother, David and my older sister, Sherrie... yeah, I was the youngest, but I don't really mind... either way it's fine now, I have a 7 year old little sister...

See people... my mother left when I was 3 years old... hence why I had said the 1st 3 years of my life is basically a big BLUR! Her excuse was that she wasn't ready and some other crap like that... but she was really saying "I don't wanna have to take care of kids. I still want to go out and party, get drunk, smoke dope, and bring home loose men" SORRY MOM, BUT I'M NOT A MORON! 

Either way.... she left and took my older sister wit her, but even at that time, Sherrie was 10, possibly 11... she took her with her, but hell! I was too young to understand at the time, so it was whatever for me. Well her leaving did have an impact for my life... 'cause it did. I'm a more short tempered, smart-mouthed, violent person I am today, which is how I got the nickname, "Violent K" I'll give you that story... me and my friend Ashley were hanging out and listening to ICP (Insane Clown Posse) and SHE had her own nickname and for a week or so she called me "Violent J" as much as I loved being compared to him, I thought I was stealing his idea for the name so I used the 1st letter in my name and THAT is how I got that name (well you guys just got the short version) ANYWAY! ... my father wasn't abusive and I had only like 2 step-moms which the 2nd one is still around and mother to my 7 year old sister. Life's just has always been a challenge... I have no problems with friends or school... just... friends with 'rents who are still together and making a lot of money to be spoiled with... but me... if I want it... I have to work for it myself, aside from food/water/clothing/roof over head type stuff, I just mean like extra things I want, like band posters, tripp pants, band shirts, stuff like that... let me tell you, 7 days a week, after school from 2:30pm-9:00pm on weekdays and 10:30am-6:00pm on weekends isn't fun... but it's money so I'm not complaining, I get what I want from my own money so yeah!

Well... my childhood my mother promised me a bunch of stuff and money, but I didn't see jack SQUAT! Big shocker -_-
And my teenage-hood has been pretty normal... a few girlfriends here and there, a party here and there, the funny pictures me and my friends have... ahhh.... well school's over... Violent K OUT!

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Weekend

Well my weekend was pretty awesome, went up to my girlfriends on Friday and stayed there 'til Sunday. Very interesting... not much happened on Friday... mainly sat around and made-out... cooked a meal, hung outside.

THEN! I met Zach and Guy...legit his name's guy! ANYWAY! We had just met and we were talking like we had known each other for YEARS! They don't want me to say it out loud, but they like me better than Dylan, someone they've known all school year! I feel accomplished.....

I walked Guy and Zach back to Zach's house when I wasn't supposed to (shocker -_-). I gave them some "paraphernalia" and when I got back to Caity's house, she yelled at me for getting back RIGHT when Ma did... yet she didn't even notice, so it's like "LEAVE ME ALONE! She doesn't know! GOD!" but yeah.... The next morning Zach called Caity and had her wake me up because he wanted him, Guy, Caity, and Nick, a.k.a Jesus to hang out, which we all did... oh yeah, Angelica came too (Caity's friend). 

OMG! That reminds me, Caity's nephew (Joshua) came over and he loved me, he mimicked me ALL day, he even cried when Zach, Guy, Nick, and I went for a smoke break. Me, Zach, and Guy were talking about being father's when Josh feel asleep on the way back from the park on Zach's shoulder, then all 3 of us took turns carrying him... we said we needed to stay life long friends and bring our kids back to the same park someday, it was a LEGIT oath! And Guy saw that I like ICP and he said that him and Zach were trying to start a gang, and then let me join too... they named it "Triad" (even though that's already one). Get it... us 3... TRIad! Meaning 3, haha.... it's all good though

Later that day I met like 5 other of Caity's friends, so I met like 8 or 10 in this whole weekend. My best though were Nick, Guy, and Zach... but if worst came to worst...I'd have to say Guy... I think it's 'cause he reminds me A lot of my Uncle Mike, but it's all good, having a friend that's like family is always a good thing. For like, when you don't got the real thing.

BRE JUST HUGGED ME! YAY! I HAVEN'T GOTTEN A HUG FROM HER SINCE LIKE............. Thursday? Maybe Wednesday... I don't know..... Kassie's all back! YAY! I gots a hug from hers too!

Well... I'mma go now people! Violent K out!
and remember folks... KEEP IT CRAZY!  


Friday, March 18, 2011


Well.... let's see... this is my first blog and I was stuck on a subject... so I decided to...WOW!  Damien just hugged me D: I need Bre to give me a hug... I'm scared.... HELP ME! D: He's watching me type this..... he's... well... Damien of course... but still -_- Zach is random spinning in a chair next to me. Well random kids are scaring Zach... GOOD JOB GUYS! :D

Well I think Melissa hates me... let me ask... ... ... she doesn't hate me but she doesn't particularly like me either... oh well... :(

Bre likes me though, I gets hugs most everyday! :D Well not LIKE like, but friends, good enough...

God I can't wait to see my girlfriend later

Melissa asked why I started a blog... truth kinda is I felt left out... and it seemed fun and interesting... and it is... kinda funny too... well I must use the bathroom... Violent K, back in a few

(moments later)

Now Melissa are talking about riding moto cross bikes off a cliff and people dieing... something is wrong with her...

Mr.Mitchell just said I was being obnoxious when I slapped Zach's leg... then he slaps me in the face.... whatever... teachers piss me off so why do I care? Oh, that's right, I don't! Some teachers are cool, like Mr.Russell, he let's us get away with a lot... well, school's almost over, VK out ladies!